Dear Customer,
As a valued member of the Culligan family- we appreciate the trust you place in us. As of 3/26/2020, Mecklenburg County (in which Culligan of Charlotte operates) have issued “Stay at Home” order. Culligan is considered an “Essential Business” and we are operating normal business hours and services during this time. We have made alterations to our standard operations to ensure the safety of customers, our employees, and the community. We are closely monitoring Coronavirus (COVID-19) and following the current guidance from the leading government and health authorities to ensure we are taking the right actions for health and safety.
Please also know that we continue to maintain our high standards for safety and cleanliness. In addition to practicing preventative measures to reduce the spread of germs within our facilities, we remain vigilant in upholding these practices and will take additional precautions as recommended by the CDC and WHO and local governments.
Here are a few changes we’ve made to continue to serve you:- Please communicate any issues with our office prior to appointment so we can ensure you are serviced properly.
- We are asking that service technicians adhere to the social distancing standard of 6’, so we are asking that customers have a door or access into the home or business that does not require close contact with you- if a door/entry can be left open, that will help adhere to that distance.
- We are asking that our service and route teams wear gloves and sanitize as available
We continue to monitor this evolving situation and will keep you informed of future updates.
Thank you- and we wish you good health and safety,
Your Culligan of Charlotte Water Team