Culligan History

The Fascinating History of Water Softening: Unveiling the Legacy of Culligan

Step into the captivating journey of better water with Culligan, a name that has been synonymous with exceptional water quality since 1921. Delve into the remarkable beginnings of this pioneering company that revolutionized the water softening industry.


The Beginning
Early Softener Innovations

Witness the ingenuity of Emmett Culligan as he crafts a homemade water softener using nothing more than two humble coffee cans and zeolite sand. This groundbreaking invention laid the foundation for Culligan's future success.

The Birth of an Icon
Culligan Water Company

In 1928, Culligan Water Company was established in Northbrook, Illinois. With a commitment to providing unparalleled water solutions, Culligan quickly became a trusted name in the industry.

Unleashing Innovation
Portable Exchange Softener

Experience the revolution firsthand as Culligan introduces the portable exchange (PE) water softener. By ingeniously developing lightweight tanks and carts, Culligan made water softening more accessible and convenient than ever before.

Answering the Call
World War II Contributions

Recognizing Culligan's expertise, the government enlisted their assistance in producing silica gel, a vital component used to dehumidify moisture-sensitive equipment during World War II. Culligan's dedication to serving the nation showcased their unwavering commitment to excellence.

The Iconic Catchphrase
"Hey, Culligan!"

Discover the birth of the iconic "Hey, Culligan!" concept, a memorable slogan that would become synonymous with superior water quality and customer service. This catchy phrase captured the essence of Culligan's commitment to providing exceptional water solutions.

Milestones and Celebrations
25th and 50th Anniversaries

Join in the festivities as Culligan celebrates its 25th anniversary, a testament to their enduring success. Northbrook, Illinois even temporarily renamed itself "Culliganville" in honor of this momentous occasion. Later, witness the grand celebration of Culligan's 50th anniversary, marking half a century of excellence in the industry.

Global Reach
Culligan Expands Internationally

Experience the international impact of Culligan as the company hosts its International Convention in Berlin, welcoming delegates from 19 countries. This event highlighted Culligan's commitment to providing exceptional water solutions on a global scale.

Revolutionizing Water Treatment
Drinking Water System

Witness Culligan's groundbreaking introduction of the first mass-produced reverse osmosis water treatment system. This innovation ushered in a new era of water purification, ensuring the highest quality drinking water for homes and businesses.

Embracing A New World
Bottled Water Delivery

Adapting to the evolving needs of consumers, Culligan ventured into the world of bottled water for home and office use. With convenient bottle delivery services, Culligan made it easier than ever to enjoy refreshing, purified water.

Unparalleled Efficiency
Consumer Digest Best Buy

Experience the pinnacle of water softening efficiency with the Gold softener, setting new industry standards. Recognized as a Consumer Digest Best Buy, this exceptional product became a customer favorite.

Customized Excellence
Aqua Cleer RO System

Discover the Aqua Cleer RO system, a marvel of versatility with over 100 customizable configurations. This innovative system ensures that every customer can enjoy the benefits of purified water, regardless of their specific water conditions.

The Epitome of Efficiency
HE Softeners and Filters

Experience the pinnacle of water softening technology with the Culligan® HE, the world's most efficient water softener. This groundbreaking innovation showcases Culligan's commitment to providing eco-friendly solutions without compromising on performance.

Join the Legacy
Choose Culligan for Unrivaled Water Solutions

Embark on your own journey to exceptional water quality by choosing Culligan. With a rich history of innovation, unparalleled expertise, and a commitment to customer satisfaction, Culligan continues to be the industry leader in water treatment solutions.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water’s in-home or virtual appointments.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water.

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Improving your home’s water is easier and more convenient than ever with Culligan Water’s in-home or virtual appointments.